Get customizable annotations for query results from PDB or PFAM.

pdb.annotate(ids, anno.terms = NULL, unique = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
pdb.pfam(ids, best.only = TRUE, compact = TRUE)



A charater vector of one or more 4-letter PDB codes/identifiers of the files for query, or a ‘blast’ object containing ‘’.


Terms can be used for query. The "anno.terms" can be "structureId", "experimentalTechnique", "resolution", "chainId", "ligandId", "ligandName", "source", "scopDomain", "classification", "compound","title", "citation", "citationAuthor", "journalName", "publicationYear", "rObserved", "rFree" or "spaceGroup". If anno.terms=NULL, all information would be returned.


logical, if TRUE only unique PDB entries are returned. Alternatively data for each chain ID is provided.


logical, if TRUE details of the RCurl postForm routine is printed.


logical, if TRUE only the lowest eValue match for a given input id will be reported. Otherwise all significant matches will be returned.


logical, if TRUE only a subset of annotation terms are returned. Otherwise full match details are reported (see examples).


Given a list of PDB IDs (and query terms for the pdb.annotate function), these functions will download annotation information from the RCSB PDB and PFAM databases.


Returns a data frame of query results with a row for each PDB record, and annotation terms column-wise.


Hongyang Li, Barry Grant, Lars Skjaerven


# \donttest{ # PDB server connection required - testing excluded # Fetch all annotation terms ids <- c("6Q21_B", "1NVW", "1P2U_A") anno <- pdb.annotate(ids)
#> Warning: ids should be standard 4 character PDB-IDs: trying first 4 characters...
# Access terms, e.g. ligand names: anno$ligandName
## only unique PDB IDs anno <- pdb.annotate(ids, unique=TRUE)
#> Warning: ids should be standard 4 character PDB-IDs: trying first 4 characters...
# Fetch only specific terms pdb.annotate(ids, anno.terms = c("ligandId", "citation"))
#> Warning: ids should be standard 4 character PDB-IDs: trying first 4 characters...
#> ligandId citation #> 6Q21_B GCP,MG Milburn et al. Science (1990) #> 1NVW_Q GNP,MG,PO4 Margarit et al. Cell (2003) #> 1NVW_R PO4 Margarit et al. Cell (2003) #> 1NVW_S PO4 Margarit et al. Cell (2003) #> 1P2U_A GNP,IPA,MG Buhrman et al. Structure (2003)
# } if (FALSE) { # PFAM server connection required - testing excluded # Find PFAM annotations of PDB entries pdb.pfam(c("6Q21_A", "1NVW", "1P2U_A")) # More details and a not fond entry warning pdb.pfam(c("1P2U_A", "6Q21_B"), compact=FALSE) }