Current & Future Courses
- Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BIOINF525) - course directer (2016)
- Foundations of Bioinformatics
- Statistics for Bioinformatics
- Systems and Network Biology
- Introduction to Biocomputing (BIOS/BIOI/HG 606) (Sept 2015)
- Workshop in Structural Bioinformatics (Bergen, Norway) (Sept/Oct 2015)
- Fundamentals of Biomedical Informatics - course directer (coming in 2017)
- Foundations of Bioinformatics
- Genome and Epigenome Informatics
- Statistics for Bioinformatics
- Systems and Network Biology
- Data Science
- Clinical Informatics
- Foundations in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BI 525) - course directer
- Introduction to Structural Bioinformatics (BI527)
- Lab session handout “Protein Structure Visualization and Small Molecule Docking” (PDF)
- Lab session data files (LabDataBackup.tar.gz)
- “Advanced Database Searching: Sequence Patterns, Profiles and Hidden Markov Models” - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BI 527).
- Computational Biophysics and Structure Based Drug Discovery - overview.
- Special Topics in Biological Physics: Natures Molecular Machines - Spring 2014.
Past Lectures & Courses
Below you will find previous course details along with links to select lecture slides, workshop material and software tutorials.- “An introduction to molecular motors”, California State University, San Marcos, USA, 2011
- “Electrostatics and diffusion”, National Biomedical Computation Resource Summer Institute, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA, 2010.
- “Cytoskeletal transport systems”, California State University, San Marcos, USA, 2009
- “An introduction to biomolecular structure”, California State University, San Marcos, USA, 2009
- “An introduction to protein form and function”, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2008
- “Advanced methods for biomolecular simulation”, CCPB training workshop, University of Nottingham, UK, 2007.

- Computational Chemistry (postgraduate),
- Structural Bioinformatics (postgraduate),
- Biomolecular Structure (postgraduate),
- Chemical Equilibria (undergraduate),
- Protein Form and Function (undergraduate)
- Bioinformatics on the World Wide Web (undergraduate).
Laboratory Resources for Students
- Download my “4students.tar.gz” quick start archive,
- Unpack in your home directory and inspect the README file.
- See the lab wiki for further information.