seqidentity(alignment, normalize=TRUE, similarity=FALSE, ncore=1, nseg.scale=1)
or an alignment character matrix. ncore>1
requires package ‘parallel’ installed.
. Determine the percent identity scores for aligned sequences.
The percent identity value is a single numeric score determined for each pair of aligned sequences. It measures the number of identical residues (“matches”) in relation to the length of the alignment.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
attach(kinesin)The following objects are masked from transducin: annotation, core, pdbside.mat <- seqidentity(pdbs) # Plot identity matrix plot.dmat(ide.mat, color.palette=mono.colors, main="Sequence Identity", xlab="Structure No.", ylab="Structure No.") # Histogram of pairwise identity values hist(ide.mat[upper.tri(ide.mat)], breaks=30,xlim=c(0,1), main="Sequence Identity", xlab="Identity")
# Compare two sequences seqidentity( rbind(pdbs$ali[1,], pdbs$ali[15,]) )[,1] [,2] [1,] 1.000 0.461 [2,] 0.461 1.000detach(kinesin)