pfam(id, alignment = "seed", verbose = FALSE)
Downloads FASTA sequence alignment from the Pfam database.
This is a basic function to download a multiple sequence alignment for a protein family from the Pfam database.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
Full more information on the Pfam database:
# PFAM server connection required - testing excluded aln <- pfam("piwi") aln <- pfam("PF02171") seq <- get.seq("1rx2_A", outfile = tempfile()) hmm <- hmmer(seq, type="hmmscan", db="pfam") aln <- pfam(hmm$hit.tbl$acc[1]) # Or much more simply for RCSB PDB entries: acc <- pdb.pfam("1rx2_A", compact=FALSE)$pfamAcc aln <- pfam(acc)