Protein Structure Network Plots in 2D and 3D.


"plot"(x, pdb = NULL, weights=NULL, vertex.size=NULL, layout=NULL, col=NULL, full=FALSE, scale=TRUE, color.edge = FALSE, interactive=FALSE, ...)


A protein network graph object as obtained from the ‘cna’ function.
A PDB structure object obtained from ‘read.pdb’. If supplied this will be used to guide the network plot ‘layout’, see ‘layout.cna’ for details.
A numeric vector containing the edge weights for the network.
A numeric vector of node/community sizes. If NULL the size will be taken from the input network graph object ‘x’. Typically for ‘full=TRUE’ nodes will be of an equal size and for ‘full=FALSE’ community node size will be proportional to the residue membership of each community.
Either a function or a numeric matrix. It specifies how the vertices will be placed on the plot. See ‘layout.cna’.
A vector of colors used for node/vertex rendering. If NULL these values are taken from the input network ‘V(x$$color’.
Logical, if TRUE the full all-atom network rather than the clustered community network will be plotted.
Logical, if TRUE weights are scaled with respect to the network.
Logical, if TRUE edges are colored with respect to their weights.
Logical, if TRUE interactive graph will be drawn where users can manually adjust the network (positions of vertices, colors of edges, etc.). Needs Tcl/Tk support in the installed R build.
Additional graphical parameters for ‘plot.igraph’.


Plot a protein dynamic network as obtained from the cna function.


This function calls ‘plot.igraph’ from the igraph package to plot cna networks the way we like them.

The plot layout is user settable, we like the options of: ‘layout.cna’, ‘layout.fruchterman.reingold’, ‘layout.mds’ or ‘layout.svd’. Note that first of these uses PDB structure information to produce a more meaningful layout.

Extensive plot modifications are possible by setting additional graphical parameters (...). These options are detailed in ‘igraph.plotting’. Common parameters to alter include:

Node labels, V(x$network)$name. Use NA to omit.

Node label colors, see also vertex.label.cex etc.

Edge colors, E(x$network)$color.

Community highlighting, a community list object, see also mark.col etc.


Produces a network plot on the active graphics device. Also returns the plot layout coordinates silently, which can be passed to the ‘identify.cna’ function.


Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.


Be sure to check the correspondence of your ‘pdb’ object with your network object ‘x’, as few internal checks are currently performed by the ‘layout.cna’ function.


# PDB server connection required - testing excluded require(igraph)
Loading required package: igraph Loading required package: methods Attaching package: ‘igraph’ The following object is masked from ‘package:bio3d’: gnm The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: decompose, spectrum The following objects are masked from ‘package:testthat’: %>%, compare The following object is masked from ‘package:base’: union
##-- Build a CNA object pdb <- read.pdb("4Q21")
Note: Accessing on-line PDB file
modes <- nma(pdb)
Building Hessian... Done in 0.069 seconds. Diagonalizing Hessian... Done in 0.284 seconds.
cij <- dccm(modes)
|======================================================================| 100%
net <- cna(cij, cutoff.cij=0.2) # Plot coarse grain network based on dynamically coupled communities xy <- plot.cna(net)
Obtaining estimated layout with fruchterman.reingold
#plot.dccm(cij, margin.segments=net$communities$membership) # Chose a different PDB informed layout for plot plot.cna(net, pdb)

Obtaining layout from PDB structure

# Play with plot layout and colors... plot.cna(net, layout=layout.mds(net$, col=c("blue","green") )

# Plot full residue network colored by communities - will be slow due to number of edges!! plot.cna(net, pdb, full=TRUE)
Obtaining layout from PDB structure

# Alter plot settings plot.cna(net, pdb, full=TRUE, vertex.size=3, weights=1, vertex.label=NA)
Obtaining layout from PDB structure

See also

plot.igraph, plot.communities, igraph.plotting


Barry Grant and Guido Scarabelli