plotb3(x, resno = NULL, rm.gaps = FALSE, type = "h", main = "", sub = "", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ylim2zero = TRUE, xlab = "Residue", ylab = NULL, axes = TRUE, ann = par("ann"), col = par("col"), sse = NULL, sse.type="classic", sse.min.length=5, top = TRUE, bot = TRUE, helix.col = "gray20", sheet.col = "gray80", sse.border = FALSE, ...)"plot"(...)
, indicated by NA values,
will be removed from plot. dssp
, stride
or in certain cases
. Draw a standard scatter plot with optional secondary structure in the marginal regions.
This function is useful for plotting per-residue numeric vectors for a given protein structure (e.g. results from RMSF, PCA, NMA etc.) along with a schematic representation of major secondary structure elements.
Two forms of secondary structure annotation are available: so called classic and fancy. The former draws marginal rectangles and has been available within Bio3D from version 0.1. The later draws more fancy (and distracting) 3D like helices and arrowed strands.
See the functions plot.default, dssp
and stride
for further details.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
Be sure to check the correspondence of your sse object with the x values being plotted as no internal checks are performed.
# PDB server connection required - testing excluded ## Plot of B-factor values along with secondary structure from PDB pdb <- read.pdb( "1bg2" )Note: Accessing on-line PDB filebfac <- pdb$atom[pdb$calpha,"b"] plot.bio3d(bfac, sse=pdb, ylab="B-factor", col="gray") points(bfac, typ="l")
## Use PDB residue numbers and include short secondary structure elements plot.bio3d(pdb$atom[pdb$calpha,"b"], sse=pdb, resno=pdb, ylab="B-factor", typ="l", lwd=1.5, col="blue", sse.min.length=0)
## Calculate secondary structure using stride() or dssp() #sse <- stride(pdb) sse <- dssp(pdb)Warning message: Non-protein residues detected in input PDB: MG, ACT, ADP, HOH## Plot of B-factor values along with calculated secondary structure plot.bio3d(pdb$atom[pdb$calpha,"b"], sse=sse, ylab="B-factor", typ="l", col="blue", lwd=2)
# PDB server connection required - testing excluded ## Plot 'aligned' data respecting gap positions attach(transducin) pdb = read.pdb("1tnd") ## Reference PDB see: pdbs$id[1]Note: Accessing on-line PDB filepdb = trim.pdb(pdb,, chain="A")) ## Plot of B-factor values with gaps plot.bio3d(pdbs$b, resno=pdb, sse=pdb, ylab="B-factor")
## Plot of B-factor values after removing all gaps plot.bio3d(pdbs$b, rm.gaps=TRUE, resno = pdb, sse=pdb, ylab="B-factor")
detach(transducin) ## Fancy secondary structure elements ##plot.bio3d(pdb$atom[pdb$calpha,"b"], sse=pdb, ssetype="fancy") ## Currently not implemented