mask(...)"mask"(dccm, pdb = NULL, a.inds = NULL, b.inds = NULL, ...)
. read.pdb
. Must match the dimensions of dccm
. pdb
is provided a selection object (as
obtained from
) can be provided. Produce a new DCCM object with selected atoms masked.
This is a basic utility function for masking a DCCM object matrix to highlight user-selected regions in the correlation network.
When both a.inds
and b.inds
are provided only their
intersection is retained. When only a.inds
is provided then
the corresponding region to everything else is retained.
Note: The current version assumes that the input PDB corresponds to the input DCCM. In many cases this will correspond to a PDB object containing only CA atoms.
with the indices/atoms
not corresponding to the selection masked.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22, 2695--2696.
## Calculate DCCM pdb <- read.pdb( system.file("examples/1hel.pdb", package="bio3d") ) cij <- dccm(nma(pdb))Building Hessian... Done in 0.047 seconds. Diagonalizing Hessian... Done in 0.132 seconds. |======================================================================| 100%## Mask DCCM matrix according to matrix indices cijm <- mask(cij, a.inds=40:50, b.inds=80:90) plot(cijm) ## Retain only 40:50 to everything else cijm <- mask(cij, a.inds=40:50)
## Mask DCCM matrix according PDB selection <- trim(pdb, "calpha") a.inds <-, resno=40:50) b.inds <-, resno=80:90) # Provide pdb object correspoding to input dccm cijm <- mask(cij,, a.inds, b.inds) plot(cijm)