clean.pdb(pdb, consecutive = TRUE, force.renumber = FALSE, fix.chain = FALSE, fix.aa = FALSE, rm.wat = FALSE, rm.lig = FALSE, rm.h = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
as obtained from
function read.pdb
component storing
all the processing messages.
Inspect alternative coordinates, chain breaks, bad residue numbering, non-standard/unknow amino acids, etc. Return a 'clean' pdb object with fixed residue numbering and optionally relabeled chain IDs, corrected amino acid names, removed water, ligand, or hydrogen atoms. All changes are recorded in a log in the returned object.
call for its effects.
# PDB server connection required - testing excluded pdb <- read.pdb("1a7l")Note: Accessing on-line PDB fileclean.pdb(pdb)Call: clean.pdb(pdb = pdb) Total Models#: 1 Total Atoms#: 8750, XYZs#: 26250 Chains#: 3 (values: A B C) Protein Atoms#: 8634 (residues/Calpha atoms#: 1114) Nucleic acid Atoms#: 0 (residues/phosphate atoms#: 0) Non-protein/nucleic Atoms#: 116 (residues: 51) Non-protein/nucleic resid values: [ HOH (48), MAL (3) ] Protein sequence: EGKLVIWINGDKGYNGLAEVGKKFEKDTGIKVTVEHPDKLEEKFPQVAATGDGPDIIFWA HDRFGGYAQSGLLAEITPDKAFQDKLYPFTWDAVRYNGKLIAYPIAVEALSLIYNKDLLP NPPKTWEEIPALDKELKAKGKSALMFNLQEPYFTWPLIAADGGYAFKYENGKYDIKDVGV DNAGAKAGLTFLVDLIKNKHMNADTDYSIAEAAFNKGETAMTING...<cut>...KDGS + attr: atom, xyz, seqres, helix, sheet, calpha, remark, call, log